Certified Naturally Grown


We are so proud to celebrate our official Certified Naturally Grown status! We have been farming this way since 2016, and now that we are officially a part of the CNG Farming community of growers, we are excited to share a little more about what being certified by this non-profit organization means! 

Like organic farmers, CNG farmers don’t use synthetic herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms. We chose CNG because the application process is relatively simple and feasible to complete without being overwhelming, and because we and the CNG group of farmers are committed to upholding standards comparable to organic.

When you buy CNG produce, you can know that you are buying food grown in soil that’s cared for, by people who are cared for, and from plants that have been nurtured naturally from seed to harvest!

Our fellow farmer and friend from the Brooklyn Grange, a very well-known and forward-thinking rooftop farm in Brooklyn, volunteered to evaluate us through CNGs Peer Review Certification. Instead of a 3rd-party inspector or evaluator, the peer-to-peer interface is an honest and intimate experience that bears rich farmer-to-farmer knowledge sharing. There is an inevitable exchange of ideas, best practices, brainstorming, and more, as all parties mutually benefit from a real and practical perspective.


CNG producers commit to the following practices:

  • Absolutely no use of synthetic chemical pesticides, fungicides, or fertilizers

  • Employing holistic practices that work with nature to address pest, disease, and nutrient challenges, minimizing use of approved sprays, treatments and amendments

  • Investing in our soil, water, wildlife, and air with ecological practices such as conserving water, planting cover crops, rotating crops, preserving buffer strips and protecting pollinator habitats

  • Using organically produced seeds whenever possible and never using chemically treated or genetically modified seeds

  • Providing animals with a healthy environment, sufficient room to grow and thrive, and feed that’s free from any hormones or antibiotics

  • Always striving to enhance the positive environmental impacts of production, minimize any negative impacts, and continually improve the sustainability of the operation


How to Shop

We believe it’s best to buy directly from the farmer or at a farmers market – don’t be afraid to ask the farmer about their growing practices, and when shopping at a store look for certifications like: USDA Organic, NOFA-certification, Non-GMO, Certified Naturally Grown, Demeter certification, etc. to ensure you’re receiving the best for you and your family too!

Stay away from Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or Genetically Engineered (GEs) foods if you can. Genetically-altered foods are artificially manipulated in a way that wouldn’t otherwise happen in nature. This occurs in a lab and is different from crossbreeding or hybridization (we will delve into the fascinating world of seeds on a future blog). Additionally, many GMOs / GE crops are engineered to withstand or tolerate the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides furthering their potential harmful effects on the environment and human bodies. 

In addition to the CNG standards, we apply biodynamic preparations, treat our animals with the highest respect and care, and our team is deeply supported too. We believe that the health of the farm is only as healthy as our least balanced part. We will forever be learning and growing with our farm and we’re so humbled that you’re here on our journey to learn and grow alongside us as we grow produce that we are proud of!

You can find us at Deep Roots Farmers Market and on our web shop! We are CNG proud!


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